Of Montreal Of Montreal - An Introduction for Isabell

I'd like to lntroduce you now to Isabell lam
Present owner of the Edward lam wax museum
Daughter of the comedic duo Dorothy and Edward
Do you remember them?
They accomplished mild success on the stages
Of the vaudeville theatres in Blackpool and in London
(That was before the advent of Hollywood)
When vaudeville died and people stopped going to see them
So they took out a loan and built a big wax museum
Inside of an old abandoned vaudeville theatre
It was about this time that Dorothy gave birth to their only child
And named her Isabell and from that day they were so happy and gay
Momma, papa, and their sweet and thoughtful
Treasured fair-haired angel baby girl
Eventually a half a century passes
We see Edward in a wheelchair, Dorothy in granny glasses
And Isabell the proud proprietor of the wax museum
Wax museum
Isabell, would you like to tell about the bell hidden inside your name?
Does it ring every time someone calls out Isabell?
Do you hear it when you run?
If it broke, they'd yell out Isa instead of Isabell until you fixed your bell